Spain: the first edition of STONE.GAL at the starting gate

20 January 2025

From June 3 to 5, 2025, the IFEVI complex in Vigo, Spain, will host the 1st edition of STONE.GAL, the new Spanish event devoted to the natural stone industry. The show was presented on October 31 to a large group of businesspeople and representatives of institutions and sector associations. Also attending was CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE – partner of the tradeshow – in the persons of its President, Gianluca Pellegrino and Honorary President Flavio Marabelli.

The show is intended to be a reference event for the international stone industry and characterized by a strong commitment to innovation and sustainability. “STONE.GAL will be a promotional showcase of primary importance for natural stone, not only in Spain but Europe-wide, which intends to respond to the growing demand for visibility from sector companies to put them in contact with key actors coming from all over the world”, emphasized Alejandro Miras, organizer of the tradeshow together with Quique Varela.

Concurrently, and in synergy, with the event there will also be an Architecture Convention that foresees a rich program of conferences and round tables devoted to natural stone.

Thanks to its agreement with the organizers of STONE.GAL, CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE – through its subsidiary, Marmomacchine Servizi – is actively involved in helping to promote this new tradeshow on international markets, also collaborating in handling the participation of Italian companies and others from the stone industry’s main reference countries.

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