In Venice the first International Forum on Authentically Natural Stone

3 February 2025

CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE and Marmomacchine Servizi are partners of PNA | Pietra Naturale Autentica (Authentically Natural Stone), the network of companies created to promote and protect natural stone products, which during Marmo+Mac 2024 officially presented to the press the 1st edition of the International Forum on Authentically Natural Stone, to be held in Venice on June 12 and 13, 2025.

The forum is addressed to the world of architects, design firms, official stone sector organizations, the businesses involved with stone (companies, artisans, professionals), the academic world (professors and students), cultural institutions, information providers and simple stone aficionados. “The Forum, unique of its kind, will be held at the same time as the Architecture Biennial 2025”, stated architect Raffaella Laezza of the IUAV University, Venice, the event’s scientific coordinator, and during its two days will offer meetings, conferences, discussions, workshops and in-depth examinations of natural stone’s sustainability.”

The meetings will feature nationally and internationally famous speakers and will be an opportunity to reflect on current topics and provide case studies and specific experiences. The key themes of this first edition of the forum are:

1 – Environmental sustainability in the natural stone sector (starting from the very recent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA World) commissioned by the PNA;

2 – Stone and contemporary architecture;

3 – The evolution of authentically natural stone utilization in current design;

4 – Stone and contemporary art.

The forum will also offer architects and students a rich program of workshops and dedicated discorses able to give participants educational credits and, above all, a high-quality learning experience.

The common theme connecting all forum events will also be the basic concept behind its communication, a concept as direct as it is profound; “Stone is love.” “Because choosing authentically natural stone means loving it for what it is and for what it offers, for the millenniums-old path from which it comes and for the feelings it arouses”, as stated in the communication presenting the forum.

In organizing the Forum”, emphasized network president Stefano Ghirardi, “PNA wants to make heard the voice of an economic and cultural sector among the most important and active in Italy, able to valorize the economic, social and environmental sustainability of authentically natural stone and its positive impact on the entire industry of building design, of well-being, of living, and its role as leader in the process of ecological transition.”

For more information about the PNA network and to stay updated on the Forum’s program:

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