Browsing the "Magazine @en" Category

Turkey’s stone exports: raw materials decrease, finished goods hold steady

After two years of downturns (-6.8% in 2018 and -2.2% last year) many analysts predicted a return to growth in 2020 of Turkey’s exports of stone materials, as the upward trend in the second half of 2019 and in January [...]

October 12, 2020 Magazine @en

Italian stone technology exports were worth nearly 1.1 billion euros in 2019

Official sector statistics processed by the Confindustria Marmomacchine Studies Center showed a basic stability in Italy’s exports of stone technology, which despite the slowdown in the final quarter of the year were worth just under 1.1 billion euros. [...]

July 20, 2020 Magazine @en

In 2019 the downward trend in Italy’s stone exports continued

Final 2019 statistics for the Italian stone industry processed by the Confindustria Marmomacchine Studies Center showed a perceptible downturn in exports, losing 5.9% in amounts and 5.3% in value from 2018. [...]

July 20, 2020 Magazine @en

Cloud Xiamen Stone Fair – started from June 6, 2020

Cloud Xiamen Stone Fair is coming! Website: Opening Time: 00:00 (Beijing Time), June 6 (Sat.) The highly expected online platform – Cloud Xiamen Stone Fair will be launched on June 6, 2020. It is FREE with uninterrupted service throughout [...]

June 5, 2020 Magazine @en

Carrara: the most productive quarries

According to a recent article in La Nazione, which listed the quarries in the Carrara basin with the highest output, the most productive was quarry 173, “Gioia Pastrone”, which in 2019 extracted 88,000 tons of gangsaw blocks, along with 48,000 [...]

April 22, 2020 Magazine @en

PNA | Pietra Naturale Autentica announces its work for 2020

In two meetings held in Milan, on December 11 and February 4, the companies and organizations belonging to the PNA, Pietra Naturale Autentica (Authentic Natural Stone) network approved the work done in 2019 and selected the agency and concept for [...]

April 10, 2020 Magazine @en